Hardwood Flooring – Canterbury – Cardiff – Cheltenham – Chichester – Durham – Exeter – Hertfordshire – Litchfield – Norwich – Oxford – Peterborough – Rochester – St David’s – Westminster – Winchester – Worcester – York

The Cathedral® Flooring Group

We hold in excess of Ten thousand m2 of floors ready to go including a substantial colour range displayed in our Winchester showrooms. 
Designed and manufactured by us and now in its 21st year, our Cathedral brand of hardwood flooring was the first engineered board of its type making it the most stable hardwood floor available on the market and the most robust for use with underfloor heating.


Why should you buy from us?

  • We tick all the boxes.
  • 1 million m2 sold over the last 20 years.
  • No failures over underfloor heating when fitted to our guidelines.
  • Incredibly stable.
  • Highly water-resistant.
  • Suitable for kitchens & Bathrooms.
  • Repeatedly specified by Architects.
  • Available in two thicknesses.
  • We are the manufacturer so quality is assured.
  • High environmental lifecycle performance.
  • Large stocks readily available.
  • Supplied finished or unfinished.
  • Can be supplied certified FSC.
  • 15-year Guarantee.
  • European Construction Products Regulation Compliant.
  • European Timber Regulations Compliant

From conception to manufacturing

Cathedral Flooring is an innovative approach for these modern times offering all the attributes of a traditional Oak floor but with the added bonus of superb stability. 

Cathedral Boards

21 mm ply based engineered plank flooring available in Oak and Ash.
Widths – Cathedral standard board face widths are 140mm,  160mm,  180mm,  200mm. Wider boards may be available made to order subject to a minimum order of one full pallet. Minimum lead in time of eight weeks. 
Lengths – Our standard packs are 2.4 m long containing four layers. Three layers are full-length boards with the fourth, a cut board. A pack might contain 3 x 2.4m boards, 1 x 1500mm board and 1 x 900 mm board. 75% long boards. Grades – Our Natural Grade has very few knots and those present are small up to 30 mm. The grain structure and colour has variation. Our Character Grade has filled Knots. Finishes – You have the option filled and sanded, unfinished for finishing on-site or pre-oiled in a natural oiled finish giving the classic golden oak appearance. We have a  Colour range and also pre-oiled ammonia fumed and oiled.

Vicarage Boards

16 mm ply-based engineered plank flooring available in Oak and Ash.
Widths – Cathedral standard board face widths are 160 mm,  180 mm,  20 0mm. Wider boards may be available made to order subject to a minimum order of one full pallet. Minimum lead in time of eight weeks. Lengths – Our standard packs are 2.4 m long containing four layers. Two layers are full-length boards with two cut boards. A pack might contain 2 x 2.4 m boards, 1 x 1500 mm, 1 x 900 mm, 1 x 600 mm and 1 x 1800 mm. 50% long boards. Grades – Our Natural Grade boards may be available made to order subject to a minimum order of one full pallet. Minimum lead in time of eight weeks. Our Character Grade has filled Knots. The grain structure and colour has variation. Finishes​ – You have the option filled and sanded, unfinished for finishing on-site, or pre-oiled in a natural oiled finish giving the classic golden oak appearance. We have a  Colour range and also pre-oiled ammonia fumed and oiled.

Unlike other floors on the market, Cathedral Flooring has properties within its design which makes it exceptionally stable. It is forgiving and it’s design keeps movement, expansion and contraction to an absolute minimum, making it the safest choice for new developments where problems may occur due to higher than normal moisture and humidity levels. Designed specifically for use with Underfloor Heating it is able to withstand a wide fluctuation in moisture content which makes acclimatisation unnecessary. 

When Cathedral is fitted to our guidelines, the problems of heat and moisture one normally associates with hardwood floors become minimal to non-existent. In excess of a million m2 of this product has been laid over the last 19 years with outstanding results and we have not had a single failure with Cathedral Flooring when it has been fitted to our specification over Underfloor Heating. This is not the case with Cathedral Flooring. Once used Cathedral Flooring is the automatic choice for the next project and is being repeatedly approved and specified by Architects and Designers throughout the UK. Cathedral Flooring has been subjected to extensive testing which has been carried out in conjunction with two of the UK’s largest Underfloor Heating Companies.

Cathedral Flooring lends itself to the full spectrum of design and installation. Horror stories are common for the failure of hardwood in relation to moisture. These failures cause inconvenience and expense for those accountable. The likelihood of a problem arising is greatly increased when Underfloor Heating is brought into the equation. Flooring that works, lasts and is incredibly stable. Unlike other floors on the market, Cathedral Flooring has properties within its design which makes it exceptionally stable. It is forgiving and it’s design keeps movement, expansion and contraction to an absolute minimum, making it the safest choice for new developments where problems may occur due to higher than normal moisture and humidity levels. Designed specifically for use with Underfloor Heating it is able to withstand a wide fluctuation in moisture content which makes acclimatisation unnecessary.

Unlike a solid Oak floor and where Underfloor Heating is not present, Cathedral Flooring can be fitted as a ‘floating floor’ eliminating the need for mechanical fixing to the sub-floor. Solid Oak floors laid over screed will increase floor heightas they require a timber substrate.


From selecting the logs, kilning and machining the wood, to the final sanding and packing, every stage of production is carried out at our factory using state of the art machinery, giving us total quality control and enabling us to achieve the highest standards. Supplied in standardised 2400mm long shrink-wrapped packs. The pack contains three full 2400mm long boards and one split board which avoids a modular manufactured appearance when the floor is laid. Planks are filled and pre-sanded at our factory and once laid the client’s preferred finish can be applied.

We are an environmentally conscious company and it is our primary goal to minimise our impact on our environment and to make our business practice and products as sustainable as possible. We are able to provide more information on request.

Timber floors have a very low Cost for Life when compared to other flooring materials. All of our timber is sourced from well-managed, sustainable, legally-logged forests. All waste at the production stage is collected and used to heat the factory during the Winter months. An Oak floor will last 400 years as history has shown and in some cases will outlive the building itself. These floors are an intrinsic part of the fabric of the building and therefore an investment into the buildings futu

Because Cathedral Flooring has predominantly been used in conjunction with Underfloor Heating installations, we have gained an enormous amount experience in this area. Dealing on a daily basis with architects, designers and heating engineers, our technical advisers are continually expanding their expertise and knowledge which they in turn pass on with sound practical advice. For this reason it may be beneficial to liaise with us in the early stages of design and planning as we may be able to help.

When laying our floors please make sure you refer to our guidelines in the menu above.

General wood floor fitting Instruction .pdf

A good quality Hardwood Flooring specialist would have many years of experience, in-depth knowledge of all aspects of hardwood floors including sanding and finishing and the correct tools to complete any type of installation. If you are investing large amounts of money on your materials you need to make sure the tradesman fitting for you has the knowledge and ability to carry out the work involved. This can only really be gained by years of experience working with wood. We would not expect a carpenter or joiner who does one or two installations of wood floor per year to be as good as those tradesmen who are laying floors constantly from week to week. Historically our apprentices would have had to work under supervision for at least a year or two before being allowed to work on their own for customers. 

How robust does our floor really need to be?

Hotel Chetzeron.
Crans Montana – Swiss Alps
The Brief was to supply a floor suitable for this exclusive Swiss hotel that would have the same appearance on opening day as it would after many seasons in a ski resort.
October 2009. This would need to be a distressed floor suitable to be laid over underfloor heating while at the same time capable of withstanding fluctuations in moisture conditions and of course, a guarantee would be expected. Overlooking the Rhone Valley and facing the most beautiful peaks of the Swiss Alps, This former gondola station was to be converted into an exclusive hotel and restaurant. Read more at cathedralflooring.com


Nero Brewery, Architects Practice.
Lyons-Sleamen & Hoare
Old Buildings sometimes need a pragmatic approach when it comes to certain inherent characteristics that are to be expected. Add to that the second flood in a two-year period, the question is, Which floor do you choose to replace your existing damaged floor when you can not guarantee no damp issues remain? February 2009. Winchester Hardwood Flooring Ltd was contacted by the Architects for help and advice involving the replacement of flood-damaged floors throughout the ground floor area of their practice. Read more at cathedralflooring.com

Cathedral Oak 200 mm Natural Grade
Our Showrooms & Virtual Tour
Stair Case Idea's
Madeira 48 Hour Fumed
Cathedral Jersey Oiled
Vicarage Bali
Cathedral Smoked Oak
Cathedral Oak Hand Distressed Special finish
Cathedral Oak 180 mm Character Ash - White Finish On Site
Natural Pre-oiled Oak
Socotra Limed Oak
Dark Socotra Limed Oak
Smoked Oak
Ash Santorini
Ash Smoked Oak
Ash Loba - Smoked Oak
Ash Bordeaux
Oak - Treatex Antique
Oak - Treatex Spruce
Oak - Treatex Chocolate
Pulled Oak Salvage 1
Pulled Oak Salvage 3
Pulled Oak Salvage 5
Pulled Oak Salvage 6
Pulled Oak Salvage 7
Pulled Oak Salvage 8